Our partners and collaborators

We know that through collaboration, we can create an integrated and connected system that serves as a solution for uncoordinated data. That is why PSET CLOUD connects major stakeholders – learners, employers, education and training institutions – to advance system performance and efficiencies, particularly in coordinating links between learners, education and work opportunities, and related functions.

Whether you are a policymaker, organisational decision-maker, post-school stakeholder or individual, the PSET CLOUD solution will empower you.

Together, we can create the connections that allow data to be utilised to its fullest potential.

Below are our valued partners and collaborators

The merSETA
Author: Karel
Published: Oct 18, 2021

Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) were established to promote skills development in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998 (as amended). The 21 SETAs broadly reflect different sectors of the South African economy. The merSETA encompasses Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services.

JET Education Services
Author: Karel
Published: Oct 18, 2021

JET Education Services sees itself as a “(dis)intermediary organisation” able to manage the implementation and evaluation of education interventions. In today’s day and age, JET aims to be Africa’s leading educational think-do tank.

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